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FASEB SRC: Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells and Regeneration

8th July 2018 - 13th July 2018
Steamboat Springs, CO, United States


This FASEB SRC celebrates its 20th anniversary of presentations and discussions of the latest and most exciting findings in the field of skeletal muscle satellite cells and regeneration. The conference has a well-deserved reputation as one in which unpublished results predominate in the presentations. Satellite cells are the source of the remarkable regenerative properties of skeletal muscle, and their study has major implications for understanding and treatment of muscle diseases and age-related muscle loss. In the 1990’s, study of the skeletal muscle-specific transcription factor, MyoD, led to new paradigms in cellular reprogramming. In a similar way, study of satellite cells is now leading to new paradigms in stem cell and regenerative biology, and work in this area has produced major insights that are broadly applicable to these fields. Areas that will be covered during the conference include transcriptional, epigenetic, and metabolic regulation of satellite cells during homeostasis and regeneration, satellite cell quiescence and activation, satellite cell heterogeneity, alteration of satellite cells in aging and disease, and potential utility of satellite cells as therapeutics. The program will include speakers from around the world, reflecting the collaborative, cohesive, and international nature of this research community. The conference is characterized by informality and collegiality of interactions. Ample time for formal and informal discussions will ensure that junior investigators, postdocs, and graduate students can easily interact with more established investigators. Trainees are especially welcome, and innovative Meet-the-Experts sessions and Career Development Workshops will be held.

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